LOT 52: Magen Avraham. Venice, 1603. Only Edition. Drushim and essays by Rabbi Avraham Laniado. Venice, 1603. Refer to the Hebrew catalog text for a brief biography of the author, Rabbi Avraham Laniado. 177 [1] leaf. Lacking two index leaves at the end. Three index leaves were added after the ...
LOT 53: Kol Bochim by the Sacred Rabbi Avraham Galante. Venice, 1589. First Edition. "When they saw R' Avraham Galante from a distance of thirty amot , all the members of the group would stand up in his honor. As he approached, they would kiss his hands and say, 'If only we would be a mat under your ...
LOT 54: Toaliyot HaRalba"g Riva Di Trento, 1560. First Edition. Toaliyot HaRalba"g on Chamishah Chumshei Torah and Nevi'im Rishonim, by Rabbi Levi ben Gershon. Riva di Trento, 1560. This sefer collects all the objectives written by the Ralba"g in his commentary on Torah and Nevi'im Rishonim. In his ...
LOT 55: Tana"ch, Genoa, Kaffa Ilan Press, 1618. Torah, Nevi'im and Ketuvim, precise in every way with indications of kri and ktiv , arranged per kapitoli and their letters. Genoa, Kaffa Ilan Press, 1618. Vowelized Tana"ch printed in two columns. The Chamesh Meggilot are printed after the Chumash, and ...
LOT 56: Amudei Shlomo. Maharsha"l. Basel, 1600. First Edition. Amudei Shlomo - composition by Rabbi Shlomo Luria - Maharsha"l, on Sefer HaMitzvot by Rabbi Moshe of Khutse - the Sma"g. Basel, 1600. First edition. The sefer was divided into two parts. Each part has a dedicated title page. Elucidations ...
LOT 57: Johannis Buxtorfi Lexicon Hebraicum et Chaldaicum. 1676. Hebrew-Chaldean lexicon by Johannes Buxtorf with all the words written in Tana"ch. Hebrew with some in Chaldean. Explanations of many difficult passages from various Hebrew commentaries. With a list of places in Kitvei HaKodesh and Latin ...
LOT 58: Chiddushei HaMaharsh"a al HaTorah. Henna, 1717. First Edition. Sefer Chiddushei Maharsh"a on Rash"i's commentary on the Torah and a critique of the Mizrachi, compiled into his sefarim entitled Halachot V'Chiddushei Aggadot by Rabbi Tzvi Hirsch b"r Meir. Henna, 1717. Rare first edition. ...
LOT 59: Machzor for the Whole Year. Venice, 1772. Two Volumes. Magnificent Leather and Silver Bindings. Machzor for the whole year per the Italian custom. Venice, Bragadin Press. 1772. Two parts. Magnificent leather and silver bindings with buckles. 18th-19th centuries. Detailed machzor with prayers ...
LOT 60: Especially Rare Sefer: Orden [Prayers for Spanish Anusim]. Amsterdam, 1724. Orden de los cinco ayunos [ Siddur for the Five Fasts ]. The sefer was printed for Spanish Anusim who returned to Jewish practice and did not know Lashon HaKodesh , by Yitzchak di Cordova. Amsterdam, 1724. Especially ...
LOT 61: Sefer Tehillim and Minchah/Aravit Siddur, printed on Parchment. "Special Edition." Israel, 21st Century. Sefer Tehillim in Assyrian script, beautiful vowelized scribal lettering, with the "Yehi Ratzon" said before reciting Tehillim, and the bakashah for praying after Tehillim. Israel ...
LOT 62: Sefer Tehillim. Halae Magdeburgicae. 1738. Sefer Tehillim. Halae Magdeburgicae. 1738 On the title page: Psalterium. Edendum curavit Gotth(ilf) Aug(ustus) Franckius Introduction in Latin by G. A. Franks. Sefer Tehillim printed beautifully in a small format. The verse numbers appear next to ...
LOT 63: Especially Rare: Chumash with Prayers According to the Ar"i's Text. Vilna, 1859. Sefer Bamidbar with Targum Onkelos, Rash"i's commentary and Ivri Teitch . And with prayer services for the annual Shabbats [with a separate title page], arranged according to the text of the sacred Ar"i. Vilna ...
LOT 64: Only Copy in the World? Small-Format Siddur. Sulzbach, 1756. Seder Tefillot MiKol HaShanah - small format siddur for weekday, Shabbat and festivals, with Kabbalistic prayers. Sulzbach, at [Meshulam] Zalman ben Aharon [Frankel] press, 1756. Siddur for the complete annual cycle, with techinot and ...
LOT 65: Museum Item: Machzor for the Shaliach Tzibbur from the Pinchas Synagogue in Prague. Machzor for the prayer leader in a huge format. Including prayers for weekdays, Shabbat, Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur, Selichot , hymns, customs and many supplements. Per the custom of Pihem, Poland, Ungarin and ...
LOT 66: Siddur Derech Chayim with Supplements by Rabbi Shlomo Gantzfried. First Edition. Extraordinarily Rare Siddur in Beautiful Condition. Seder Tefillah im Derech HaChayim ... with an appendix to the prayer service, a commentary compiled according to the basic meaning ... and the addition of more ...
LOT 67: Especially Rare Siddur: Seder Ra'ava"n. Nusach Sephard [Mahado"r]. Pressberg, 1860. Siddur Ra'ava"n per the Sephard custom, including prayers for the entire year [for weekdays, Shabbats, festivals and the high holidays, with the Passover haggadah]. With the Derech HaChayim commentary by Rabbi ...
LOT 68: Volume of Siddurei Rabbi Ya'akov Emden - Ya'avetz, with the Rare Compilation. * Seder Tefillah with a commentary composed by Rabbi Ya'akov of Emden, according to the revealed and the hidden, and Kavvanot HeAr"i and the dinim relevant to prayer; with all the necessary customs. Siddur in nusach ...
LOT 69: Panim Yafot. Ostroh. Four Volumes from the First Edition. Chamishah Chumshei Torah with Rash"i's commentary and more. With the Panim Yafot commentary by Rabbi Pinchas HaLevi Horowitz, author of Hafla'ah , and with Shem Ephraim by Rabbi Ephraim Zalman Margaliot. Ostroh, 1825-1826. First edition. ...
LOT 70: Avodat Yisrael, the Maggid of Kozhnitz. Józefów, 1842. First Edition. Chassidic ma'amarim on the weekly Torah portions and on Pirkei Avot by Rabbi Yisrael Hopstein of Kozhnitz - the "Maggid of Kozhnitz." First edition of one of the fundamental works of Chassidut. With an approbation by ...
LOT 71: Chassidut, First Edition: She'erit Yisrael by the Tzaddik of Vlednik. Segulah Sefer. Sefer She'erit Yisrael - Chassidut by the renowned wonder-worker, the Admo"r Rabbi Yisrael Dov Ber of Vlednik, whose grave in Ukraine still draws many who experience salvation there. Rare first edition. Lemberg ...
LOT 72: Maggid Devarav L'Ya'akov. Lvov, 1792. Maggid Devarav L'Ya'akov, Likkutei Amarim by the maggid Rabbi Dov Ber of Mezeritch. Lvov, Rabbi Shlomo Yarish Rappoport Press. 1792. Early edition of the important Chassidic work. Printed in Rabbi Shlomo Yarish Rapoport's press in 1788 from the sacred ...
LOT 73: Ateret Tiferet Yisrael. Two Copies. Ateret Tiferet Yisrael . Lublin, 1875 - segulah work as promised by the Rebbe of Ruzhin and others. “... so that there will be protection in your home and an abundance of blessing and success.” (The tzaddik of Shtefanesht). Ateret Tiferet Yisrael is a ...
LOT 74: Arba Turim. Slavuta, Moshe Shapira Press. Tur with commentary and novellae by Rabbi Yosef Karo, Beit Yosef and Bedek HaBayit , and with Darkei Moshe by the gaon Rabbi Moshe Isserlis, and more commentaries. Slavuta, Rabbi Moshe Shapira Press. 1816-1817. Three parts: Yoreh Deah, Even HaEzer and ...
LOT 75: Chessed L'Avraham. Slavuta, 1794, Among the first Sefarim Printed by Rabbi Moshe Shapira in Slavuta. Sefer Chessed L'Avraham by Kabbalist Rabbi Avraham Azoulay. Slavuta, printed by Rabbi Moshe Shapira, 1794. Fundamental work of Kabbalah authored by Rabbi Avraham Azoulay, the Chid"a's ...
LOT 76: Tikkun Leil Shavuot V'Hoshana Rabba. Zhitomir. Original Binding. Seder Tikkun Leil Shavuot V'Hoshana Rabba per the order in Sefer HaShla"h , and Kavvanot HaShemot . Zhitomir, at the press of the partners, grandsons of the Rabbi of Slavuta, Rabbi Chanina Lipa and Rabbi Yehoshua Heschel Shapira. ...
LOT 77: Set of Shla"h. Zhitomir Edition, 1856. Two Magnificent Volumes. Signatures: "Menachem Mendel ben Ch"ai ...". Shnei Luchot HaBrit by the sacred gadol u'kadosh hadorot , the G-dly Kabbalist Rabbeinu Yeshayah HaLevi Horowitz, also known as 'HaShla"h HaKadosh' after this sefer . He was one of the ...
LOT 78: Arba'ah Turim. Zhitomir. Complete Set!. Arba'ah Turim with commentaries and supplements, Zhitomir, printed by the grandsons of the Slavuta Rav, Rabbis Chanina Lipa and Yehoshua Heschel Shapira, 1857-1859. Complete set of Arba'ah Turim printed in sanctity by the Shapira family rabbis. Stamps ...
LOT 79: Copy of Shu"t Maharasha"ch that Previously Belonged to the Beit Ephraim. First Edition. Hand-Illustrated Title Pages. Glosses. "He was a gadol olam , my father, my father, chariot of Israel ... I studied from him every day in our beit midrash , from the works he authored" (the Chatam Sofer) ...
LOT 80: Large Collection of [29] Important Sefarim with Handwritten Glosses and Comments. Large and important collection of [29] sefarim , mainly fundamental sefarim with handwritten glosses, comments and revisions. The sefarim are mainly halachic and responsa works as well as novellae on Talmudic ...
LOT 82: Parashat Derachim. Venice, 1743. Signature and Dozens of Glosses by Rabbi Mordechai Michael Jaffe. "Here lies the Ark of G-d, pillar of Torah and fear of Heaven, lofty and sacred righteous rabbi, wise and modest wonder of the generation ... Rabbi Mordechai Michael Jaffe ... an angel of the ...
LOT 83: Shu"t Binyamin Ze'ev. Venice, 1538. Handwritten Glosses by the Author. Binyamin Ze'ev - responsa by Rabbi Binyamin ben Matityah. Venice, Bomberg press. 1538. First edition. Lacking the title page and the following leaf. Handwritten author's glosses. The author, one of the gedolei Yisrael in ...
LOT 84: Kol Aryeh. Handwritten Dedication from Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Ehrenreich. She'elot U'Teshuvot Kol Aryeh by Rabbi Avraham Yehuda HaKohen, av beit din of Beregszász, and of Mád towards the end of his life, brought to print by the author's grandson. Szilágysomlyó [Shamloy], 1904. Dedication from ...
LOT 85: Bnei Moshe. Constantinople, 1713 - Copy that Belonged to the Gaon, the Author of Kerem Shlomo. First Edition. Wide Margins. Shu"t Bnei Moshe . Copy that belonged to the author of Kerem Shlomo with a self-dedication handwritten by the gaon Rabbi Moshe Amarillio, author of Halachah L'Moshe ...
LOT 86: Korban Elitzur. Dedication and Signature by Rabbi David Pardo. Korban Elitzur , method for Tractate Avodah Zarah with broad in-depth discussions on the laws of breirah , by Rabbi Mansour Marzouk. Salonika, 1777. Only edition. Pedigree copy. Expansive work on Tractate Avodah Zarah. ...
LOT 87: Da'at Zekeinim MiBa'alei HaTosafot. Livorno, 1783. Handwritten Gloss by Rabbi Daniel Tirani of Italy. Da'at Zekeinim - commentary by the Ba'alei HaTosafot on the Torah and Sefer Minchat Yehudah by Rabbi Yehudah b"r Eliezer - Riv"a. Livorno, 1783.First edition of this fundamental work. ...
LOT 88: Ba'al HaNefesh. Berlin, 1762; Signature by the Gaon Rabbi Ya'akov Shemesh, the Chatam Sofer's Rabbi. "I heard something like this from the Adm"o, the great rabbi, Rabbi Ya'akov Shemesh ztz"l, who was a rabbi in the kloiz in the large beit midrash in my hometown of Frankfurt am Main" ( ...
LOT 89: Volume of Unique Sefarim Previously Owned by the Sar HaTorah, the Gaon Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky; Stamps, Signatures, Interesting Handwritten Gloss. "It cannot be that it is by the Ra'ava"n, as he cites the Ramba"n and other Acharonim; it is by a later author. Chaim Kanievsky, Bnei Brak" Volume ...
LOT 90: Shu"t Pnei Yehoshua. Amsterdam, 1715. Copy that Belonged to Rabbi Chaim Berlin with his Handwritten Glosses. She'elot U'Teshuvot Pnei Yehoshua by Rabbi Yehoshua b"r Yosef av beit din of Kraków. Amsterdam, 1715.First edition. Copy that previously belonged to Rabbi Chaim Berlin, with his ...
LOT 91: 555 - Binyan Ariel. Amsterdam, 1778. Copy Received from the Author. Novellae on the parashiyot , Chamesh Meggilot, holidays and festivals; Talmudic novellae and responsa, by Rabbi Shaul [Lowenstam], av beit din of Amsterdam and grandson of the Chacham Tzvi. Amsterdam, 1778. First edition. Two ...
LOT 92: Chumash Vayikra-Bamidbar. With Haftarot. Yemen, 19th Century. Manuscript, Chumash Vayikra-Bamidbar, with Aramaic translation and Rash"i's commentary. [Yemen, c. 19th century]. Biblical text with cantillation and lower vowelization, Targum Onkelos with upper vowelization. Rash"i's commentary is ...
LOT 93: Matzot Shmurim - Kabbalah. The Chid"a's Personal Copy. Handwritten with Approximately [1800!!] Words in his Script. "There is a great tzaddik in Italy [the Chid"a] whose works neutralize all the books of heresy" (The Noam Elimelech of Lizhensk) Sefer Matzot Shmurim is a Kabbalistic ...
LOT 94: Secrets of Practical Kabbalah from the Rash"sh from a Heavenly "Maggid". "As explained to me by Mar Chalma ..." Very beautiful manuscript discussing deep issues in practical Kabbalah and superseding natural conduct through mystical powers. Two pages written beautifully and exceptionally ...
LOT 96: Written and Signed in my Presence - Important Halachic Letter Handwritten by Leading 18th-Century Italian Sages. Important, beautiful and lengthy halachic document [over 400 words]. Letter permitting appointing a messenger to deliver a get , signed by leading 18th-century Italian rabbis. Livorno ...
LOT 97: Sefer Aruch HaKadmon with Many Differences from the Printed Edition. Yemen, C. 16th-17th Century. Manuscript. Compilation from Sefer HeAruch , the famed and fundamental Talmudic dictionary by Rabbeinu Nattan MiRomi - beautiful and orderly Yemenite script. C. late 16th - early 17th century. ...
LOT 98: Manuscript, Hymns for Various Occasions. Italy, 1847. Ledger with songs and hymns sung in various chevrehs and communities in Italy. The manuscript opens with a general title page with a beautiful decorative border. Additional dedicated title page for each song. Italy, 1847 Manuscript content: ...
LOT 99: Amulets, Segulot, Mazalot and Tekufot. Yemen, 19th Century. Beautiful manuscript in Yemenite script (the final ten leaves are bound from a different manuscript). Judeo-Arabic and Hebrew. Many sketches and illustrations, and ktav mal'achim . [89] leaf. 16 cm. Moderate condition. Tears and wear. ...
LOT 100: Manuscript, Poetic Phrases and Rhymes in Hebrew and in Ladino. Turkey, 19th Century. Manuscript with samples of poetic phrases for letters ( halatzot ) in Hebrew and in Ladino, and rhymes. Unknown author. Turkey, 19th century. The halatzot are poetic phrases written in rhyme, composed as a ...
LOT 101: Passover Haggadah. Persia, 18th-19th Century. Beautiful and complete manuscript of a Passover Haggadah. Owner's inscription on the flyleaf: Mulla Avraham. The original haggadah text is written in Lashon HaKodesh . The haggadah opens with the simanim of the seder: " Kaddesh, U'Rechaz, Karpas ...
LOT 102: Collection of Song and Midrash. Bukhara, 1872. Complete handwritten collection of songs and midrashim in Bukharian. Colophon at the end with the date, the year 1872. Titles in large letters. [66] leaf paper. 18 cm. Moderate-fine condition. Slight tears. Characteristic original leather ...
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