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ALDE (ALDE) - one of the leading auction houses in France. Since 2000 he organizes permanent auction sales of old books, autographs and numismatics.

The auction house received its name in honor of Alda Manucius (1450-1514) - the great Italian humanist, publisher and book printer, who worked in Venice. It was Aldo Manutius who first published many works of ancient Greek and Latin authors - classics of world literature.

Since the spring of 2018, Ald, thanks to his collaboration with the expert office of Arthur Gamaliy, has opened a new field of activity: Russian art in all its diversity (painting and graphics, autographs, secondhand books, engravings, photographs, numismatics and faleristics, subjects of Russian military history, etc.). A special area is traditionally the legacy of Russian emigration (books, archives, documents, history, etc.).

The catalogs, prepared in cooperation with the Arthur Gamaliy cabinet, are published in a single series of ROSSICA (which in Latin means all subjects related to the Russian Empire, its history and culture).

Head of the auction house: Maître Jerome (Hieronymus) Delcamp
Leading Guest Expert: Artur Gamaliy
The second invited expert: Nikolay Chernetsky
The curator of the exhibition and the administrator of the auction: Alexandra Gamaliy

We will be happy to meet you at our headquarters located in one of the most picturesque quarters of Paris: near the Luxembourg Gardens, in the Giraud-Badin bookstore at 22, rue Guynemer 75006 Paris.

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