Cosmoscow Foundation for contemporary art

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The main goal of the Cosmoscow Foundation is to support contemporary art in Russia, its integration into the international cultural space, assistance to young artists and the development of patronage in Russia. Among other projects, the Foundation organizes an annual charity auction. This year, the 8th Charity Auction will be held on April 12, Cosmonautics Day. The curator of the auction and pre-auction exhibition was Simon Rees, Art Director of Cosmoscow, who announced the theme "PHANTASMA".
All proceeds will be donated to the Cosmoscow Foundation for the implementation of art projects, educational and other initiatives aimed at supporting contemporary art.

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Cosmoscow Foundation for contemporary art - Subasta 10


Cosmoscow Foundation for contemporary art

8th Charity auction «PHANTASMA»

Cosmoscow Foundation for contemporary art - Subasta 7

Off White contemporary art charitable auction