101 Ostrov

Санкт-Петербург, ул. Новгородская дом 17, БЦ «ф-ка Бебеля»

Me gustaría recibir una notificación de 101 Ostrov sobre nuevas subastas

Auction house “101 Island” is a new joint project of an antique gifts store and the “Thrift Shop” store on B. street. Mintnaya 9, successfully operating since 2015.

Here you will find a variety of antiques with a truly rich past that can interest both amateurs and collectors.

The auction house works with different categories of goods: books, engravings, maps, postcards, photographs, porcelain, copper, silver, souvenirs, household items and household utensils, figurines and much more.

Conducting auctions is our new direction. We invite everyone to fruitful cooperation to sell their items through the 101 Islands Auction House.

Contactar a la casa de subasta
Correo electrónico
+7(904) 516-70-94
+7(921) 878-30-67

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101 Ostrov - Subasta 1 часть 1
