By Atikim
Sunday, Mar 30, 1:00 PM
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"To Have the 613 Mitzvot Fluent in One's Mouth" – Avodas HaLevi, Venice 1546
Avodas HaLevi, a guide ...

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Sold for: $600
Start price:
$ 500
Buyer's Premium: 25%

"To Have the 613 Mitzvot Fluent in One's Mouth" – Avodas HaLevi, Venice 1546

Avodas HaLevi, a guide to the location of all the mitzvot according to Tur, Sefer HaMitzvot (SeMaG), Sefer Mitzvot Gadol (SeMaK), and Rabbeinu Yerucham, by Rabbi Shlomo ben Eliezer HaLevi, Venice 1546.

This is the first edition under this title, previously printed in Istanbul under the name Moreh Tzedek in the year 1515.

It is a great obligation to study the books that enumerate and detail the mitzvot, and for them to be fluent in the mouth of every person. "...Because I have seen that the children of our people do not take it to heart for the 613 mitzvot to be fluent in their mouths, even those that are practiced among us, and in my opinion, this is what our Sages meant when they said, 'The Torah will eventually be forgotten from Israel'..." (The Shach in the introduction to his work Poeil Tzedek).

Condition: Very good, with a beautiful leather binding.

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