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ENESCU GEORGE: (1881-1955) Romanian composer, violinist and conductor. A good A.L.S., Georges Enescu, four pages, 8vo, Rue de Bruxelles (Paris), 17th January 1906, to Madame Wilkinson, in French. Enescu writes 'Comme vous avez toujours daigne vous interesser a mes faits et gestes artistiques je me fais un devoir de vous annoncer.......qu'on joue chez Colonne ma nouvelle symphonie que j'ai terminee cette annee-ci en Roumanie et ce la dimanche prochain je donne aussi deux recitals de violin le 2 et le 8 fevrier a la salle Evard, dont voici le programme qui peut-etre vous interessa a lire, afin que vous voyez que je ne reste pas inactif' (Translation: 'As you have always deigned to take an interest in my artistic acts and gestures, I make it my duty to announce to you…..that Colonne is playing my new symphony which I finished this year in Romania and this next Sunday I am also giving two violin recitals on the 2nd and the 8th February at the Evard Hall, of which here is the programme which you may be interested in reading, so that you can see that I am not remaining inactive'), further expressing his regret that she will not be able to attend, and hoping that she is now in better health, before concluding 'En attendant la joie de refaire un de ces soirs un peu de musique chez vous, daigne toujours croire, chere madame, a mon devouement tres respectueux' (Translation: 'While waiting for the joy of making a little music again one of these evenings at your house, always deign to believe, dear Madame, in my very respectful devotion'). Accompanied by the original envelope hand addressed by Enescu. VG
Enescu's Symphony No. 1 (Op.13) was completed in 1905 and received its premiere on 21st January 1906 at the Theatre du Chatelet in Paris as the fourteenth concert of the 1905-06 series of the Concerts Colonne, conducted by Edouard Colonne.