Antiques, Decorative and Fine Arts Auction
By Kavanagh Auctions
Saturday, Mar 29, 11:00 AM
6059 De Maisonneuve W. Montreal, H4A 3R8 Canada
Chinese and Japanese Antiques Fine art Lighting Mid Century Modern Canadiana English, French and European Antiques and more

LOT 8:

MCM Frode Blichfeldt Bahnsen Palshus Teapot

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Start price:
C$ 50
Estimated price :
C$ 50 - C$ 15,000
Buyer's Premium: 23% More details

MCM Frode Blichfeldt Bahnsen Palshus Teapot
Mid Century Frode Blichfeldt Bahnsen for Palshus Denmark Glazed Stoneware Tea Pot. 7 inches H x 6 W, 9 inches H with wicker handle.
Condition: Although care is taken to photograph and describe the item, absence of a condition report does not imply perfect condition. It is the responsibility of the buyer to verify the condition of the item, either in person during our viewing hours prior to auction or through requested condition reports. All bids are final and are subject to our terms and conditions.

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