Fine Antique Books
By Royal Auction House
Oct 30, 2022
Toms River, NJ, United States
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LOT 31:

Sefer Chochmas Shlomo - MaHarshal, Krakow 1582. First Edition. A Partial Copy. 

As is well known ...

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Sold for: $850
Start price:
$ 600
Buyer's Premium: 25%
Auction took place on Oct 30, 2022 at Royal Auction House
tags: Books

Sefer Chochmas Shlomo - MaHarshal, Krakow 1582. First Edition. A Partial Copy. 

As is well known, this edition was printed in several parts and was not originally printed as one large volume. As such, the only tractate with a title page is Berachos while the rest were printed without a title page. This copy includes Sotah (19 pp.), Gittin (28 pp.), Kiddushin (34 pp.), Baba Kamma (27 pp.), Baba Metzia (34 pp.), Baba Basra (69 pp.), Sanhedrin (39 pp.), Makkos (10 pp.), Shevuos (13 pp.), and Chulin (24 pp.). 

In good condition, printed without a title page. Lacking pp. 17-24 of Chullin. Pages 11-15 supplied from another copy. 

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