Auction 9 The Elul Auction - Historical items for the High Holidays
By Rarity Auction House
Aug 16, 2021
17 Perlman Dr. Suite 204 Spring Valley NY 10977, United States

מכתבים מגדולי הדורות - ביניהם מכתב מהגה"ק רבן של ישראל בעל פחד יצחק האדמו"ר הראשון לשושלת באיאן, ועוד מכתבים מאדמור"י בית רוז'ין

ספרים שנדפסו בסלאוויטא וזיטאמיר, ביניהם סט ש"ס זיטאמיר וסט חק לישראל דפוס סלאוויטא

ספרים נדירים יקרי המציאות - ספרי יסוד נדפסו בשנות הש'

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LOT 100:

edushat Aharon. Warsaw, 1913. First Edition. Stamp from the Admo"r of Sadigura

Kedushat Aharon. First ...

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Start price:
$ 300
Estimated price :
$400 - $600
Buyer's Premium: 22%
Auction took place on Aug 16, 2021 at Rarity Auction House

edushat Aharon. Warsaw, 1913. First Edition. Stamp from the Admo"r of Sadigura

Kedushat Aharon. First edition. Chassidic essays on the Torah by the Admo"r Rabbi Aharon Friedman of Sadigura. Stamp from the Admo"r's son, Rabbi Mordechai Yosef Shalom of Sadigura.

With the Novlot Chochmah compilation, which is not extant in all copies.

The author, the Admo"r Rabbi Aharon Friedman [1877-1913] was the third Admo"r in the Sadigura dynasty. He was known by the name of this book, as the "Kedushat Aharon" He was born in Sadigura to Rabbi Yisrael Friedman and Esther, daughter of Rabbi Yitzchak of Bohosh. He was named for his great-grandfather, Rabbi Aharon Perlow, the "Beit Aharon" of Karlin. He married Sarah Shaindel Roiza, daughter of Rabbi Shalom Yosef Friedman, son of Rabbi Mordechai Shraga Friedman of Husiatyn. After his father's passing in 1907, he was appointed his successor and third Admo"r of the Sadigura dynasty. Most of his father's Chassidim turned to him, but after six years, at the age of 36, he passed away. He is interred in the Admo"rs of Ruzhin section in Sadigura. Rabbi Aharon Friedman's firstborn and only son, Rabbi Mordechai Yosef Shalom Friedman, was appointed his successor immediately after the funeral, by the Admo"r Rabbi Yitzchak of Boyan. This book was published during the year of mourning, with an approbation from his son, the Admo"r Rabbi Mordechai Yosef Shalom of Sadigura, who signed 'הכ"מ.'

Rabbi Mordechai Yosef Shalom Friedman [1896-1979] was the Admo"r in the fourth generation of Sadigura Chassidism. He was born in Sadigura to his father, the Admo"r Rabbi Aharon and to his mother Sarah Shaindel Roza, granddaughter of Rabbi Mordechai Feivush of Husiatyn. At the age of 12 he became engaged to Mirel, daughter of his great-uncle Rabbi Yisrael Shalom Yosef of Mezhibuzh, and he married her in 1913 at the age of 16, during the year of mourning for his father.
At the age of 26, he was appointed as a member of Agudat Yisrael's "Va'ad HaPoel HaLeumi" and a president of "Keren HaTorah." At the second Knessiah Gedolah in 1929, he was appointed to be a member of the Council of Torah Sages. He moved to Pshemishl in 1934, where he set up his court. At the third Knessiah Gedolah in 1937 he was one of the leading proponents of supporting Agudat Yisrael in the state of the Jews. In Adar 1939, he visited the Land of Israel again, and upon the counsel of his Uncle Rabbi Yisrael of Husiatyn, he stayed there and settled in Tel Aviv. At the fourth Knessiah Gedolah, with the approval of the Admo"r of Tchebin and Rabbi Tzvi Pesach Frank, he recited Kaddish Titkaleh (as recited by Sepharadim) in memory of those who were killed in the Holocaust. He passed away at the age of 83 and was interred in the Nachalat Yitzchak cemetery in Givatayim. His thoughts on the Torah and festivals appear in the series of book Knesset Mordechai. His son, Rabbi Avraham Ya'akov Friedman, succeeded him.

Very fine conditon

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