Auction 9 The Elul Auction - Historical items for the High Holidays
By Rarity Auction House
Aug 16, 2021
17 Perlman Dr. Suite 204 Spring Valley NY 10977, United States

מכתבים מגדולי הדורות - ביניהם מכתב מהגה"ק רבן של ישראל בעל פחד יצחק האדמו"ר הראשון לשושלת באיאן, ועוד מכתבים מאדמור"י בית רוז'ין

ספרים שנדפסו בסלאוויטא וזיטאמיר, ביניהם סט ש"ס זיטאמיר וסט חק לישראל דפוס סלאוויטא

ספרים נדירים יקרי המציאות - ספרי יסוד נדפסו בשנות הש'

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LOT 51:

Hagaon Harav Eliezer Zussman Sofer (1825-1903) was Av Beis Din of Paks and the author of Yalkut Eliezer and other ...

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Sold for: $300
Start price:
$ 100
Estimated price :
$300 - $400
Buyer's Premium: 22%
Auction took place on Aug 16, 2021 at Rarity Auction House

Hagaon Harav Eliezer Zussman Sofer (1825-1903) was Av Beis Din of Paks and the author of Yalkut Eliezer and other famous sefarim. A venerable Hungarian sage and disciple of the Chasam Sofer, he was born in Pressburg and circumcised by the Chasam Sofer himself, who taught him in his youth. Harav Sofer also studied under the Chasam Sofer’s son the Ksav Sofer, and Maharam Schick. He succeeded his father-in-law as Rav and Beis Din of Paks, Hungary, filling this noteworthy position until his passing in 1903. He authored the 3-volume Yalkut Eliezer, Sefer Hamakneh, and others.

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