Auction 78 Part 1 Children's book, postcards, photos.
By The Arc
Jun 5, 2021
Moscow, embankment of Taras Shevchenko, d. 3, Russia
The best artists and authors of the children's book of the USSR are presented: V. Vatagin, V. Konashevich, V. Kochergin, Lebedev, Radlov. Yu. Sooster, I. Kabakov, E. Bulatov, V. Pivovarov, Daniil Kharms, S. Marshak, the godfather of "Star Wars", the favorite of George Lucas - Pavel Klushantsev and other classics of the genre. Many cherished and fabulous photos and postcards.
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LOT 312:

Adventure library. 20 volumes.

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Start price:
8,000 р
Buyer's Premium: 15% More details

Adventure library. 20 volumes.
M. Children's literature, 1956-59. Hardcover, regular format (14 x 20.5 cm). The preservation is from satisfactory to very good; some of the bindings are soiled and worn, some of the books have loose and beveled blocks, occasionally there are splits, cuttings may be soiled; the pages, with rare exceptions, are without defects.
We work from 10.30 - 18.30 from Monday to Friday . Tel . 8 926 389-00-98 .

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