Auction 78 Part 1 Children's book, postcards, photos.
By The Arc
Jun 5, 2021
Moscow, embankment of Taras Shevchenko, d. 3, Russia
The best artists and authors of the children's book of the USSR are presented: V. Vatagin, V. Konashevich, V. Kochergin, Lebedev, Radlov. Yu. Sooster, I. Kabakov, E. Bulatov, V. Pivovarov, Daniil Kharms, S. Marshak, the godfather of "Star Wars", the favorite of George Lucas - Pavel Klushantsev and other classics of the genre. Many cherished and fabulous photos and postcards.
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LOT 899:

The age of Russian book art. in Russian. Compiled By A. Markevich.

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Start price:
3,000 р
Buyer's Premium: 15% More details

The age of Russian book art. in Russian. Compiled By A. Markevich.
M.: Vagrius. 2005 568 p. Hardcover, 27.5 x 36 cm. Copy in printing film. Excellent condition (new book).

This is the first and only attempt to present the most complete work of masters of the XX century in the field of illustration, design and typography, to create a sort of encyclopedia of Russian book art and attract more attention to this phenomenon of artistic culture of Russia, to return from past forgotten times, to remember all those who stood at the origins of domestic book graphics, as well as show the work of contemporary artists. The materials used in the album are original illustrations and books provided by museums, libraries, collectors of private collections, artists and their heirs. The publication will be interesting not only for professionals, but also for all lovers of books and book art.

We work from 10.30 - 18.30 from Monday to Friday . Tel . 8 926 389-00-98 .

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