Wonder of Wonders: Collection of [5] Especially Powerful Amulets Given Directly by Rabbi Kadouri
Message from Heaven
Five Kabbalistic amulets designed for swallowing (!) - among the most powerful amulets known to Kabbalah. These amulets were given directly by the leading practical Kabbalist of recent generations, Chacham Yitzchak Kadouri.
These amulets have such a high chance of leading to physical recovery that the poskim l'chatchilah allow writing this type of amulet even on Shabbat! The Chid"a writes as follows in his sefer Birkei Yosef (Orach Chaim siman 301, section 6): There were people who, due to mental illness or deep distress, Heaven forbid, drank poison on Shabbat. Someone would write an amulet like this one, which would indeed save the patient. After this became known, the sages of the city deliberated whether writing such an amulet could be carried out on Shabbat, and the Chid"a decided: "Due to its capacity to save lives, there is no prohibition, even mi'd'rabbanan."
There is also testimony from the Kabbalists that the Rasha"sh himself wrote an amulet of this type for a patient in serious condition. These amulets are not only renowned among Oriental Kabbalists. Kabbalists in Ashkenaz were also aware of their power and their text. It appears in the writings by the Ashkenazic Kabbalist Rabbi Yosef Zundel of Salant - "third voice of the Gr"a" (refer to
R' Yosef Zundel MiSalant V'Rabbotav p. 65).
Although these amulets bear great power, they are designed for a single use only, to be dissolved in water and swallowed as a hugely powerful single-use wonder-potion, such that its owners should wisely use it for one purpose only - life-saving, as was done by the Chid"a and the Rasha"sh, or for granting children to the childless, and similar concerns.
Of course, not everyone can give such amulets; it requires a qualified Kabbalist - and who could be more qualified than the 'elder Kabbalist' Rabbi Kadouri? Imagine if there was a chance to receive one more blessing from Rabbi Kadouri - and not only are these blessings from Rabbi Kadouri, but the most powerful amulets in existence, directly from his sacred hands - amulets that have never been used and contain Rabbi Kadouri's powerful blessing at full strength!
These amulets were given by Rabbi Kadouri to one of his close associates - one of the well-known rabbis of Jerusalem - for fertility, as his wife was not conceiving successfully. Rabbi Kadouri gave him several identical amulets (in case the first one didn't work), but not surprisingly, the first one was effective and this rabbi's wife conceived - as the rabbi himself writes in the enclosed confirmation - and in his great joy, he forgot all about these amulets that had been sitting in a sealed envelope for about fifty years, just rediscovered in the past few months.
Included with these amulets are photographs of signed recommendations from the rabbinic leaders of the generation that they gave the rabbi who received the amulets, some of whom are no longer among us (Rabbi Ovadiah Yosef, the author of
Shemirath Shabbath KeHilchathah, Rabbi Ba'adani, as well as those still among us - Rabbi Elbaz and many others) attesting as one to their close acquaintance with him, his reliability and his honesty: "Fear of Heaven is his treasure and its crown will gaze upon him" (Rabbi Ovadiah); "My dear friend of many years is a complete and multi-faceted Talmudic scholar" (Rabbi Elbaz) and many, many more.
So these are not only the most powerful amulets that exist, straight from the greatest Kabbalist of recent generations - they are also the most authoritative and credible items possible, buttressed by rare and explicit testimonies from writings by gedolei hador.
Refer to the Hebrew catalog text for a brief biography of
Kabbalist Rabbi Yitzchak Kadouri.
Regarding him and those like him, the gemara states: "Expert person, expert amulet - all amulets he writes will be effective forever." Rash"i elucidates that a person who has three amulets work successfully three times - is guaranteed that all his amulets will work as designed (Tractate Shabbat page 61b).
[5] especially thin pieces of paper. 34x23 mm. The notes are placed in the original paper in which they have been preserved over the years.
Very fine condition. Small creases.
Original signed confirmation from the rabbi who received the amulets.
Important comment:
As stated above, Rabbi Kadouri gave the recipient eight amulets, in case the first was not effective, and they would need many attempts. However, the recipient's wife conceived with the assistance of the first amulet, and two others have appeared at earlier auctions at Winner's. These are the final amulets given to him - there are no others!!