LOT 51: Sefer Tehillim with Radak, Berlin 1767. A Rare Tehillim with the commentary of the Radak, Berlin 1767. Ownership inscriptions of "Avraham Hirsch Leipziger". Worn, original binding. 89 pp.
LOT 52: Sefer Nekudos HaKesef, Prague 1777. Printed by R. Zerach Eidlitz. Sefer Nekudos HaKesef, Prague 1777. Printed by R. Zerach Eidlitz, with a glowing approbation written by the Noda B'Yehuda. In good condition. Pages 2-3 are bound out of order. Title page and front cover detached. 44 pp.
LOT 53: Rare and Unrecorded Chasidic Machzor for The Entire Year, Probably Ostroh, 1818 . An exceedingly rare and unrecorded Machzor for the entire year, with Chasidic approbations. The title page states "as printed in Barditchev", and no place of printing is indicated. However it would seem from the ...
LOT 54: Peirush HaRosh on Mesachta Makkos - With Commentaries, Brunn 1786. Rosh on Mesachta Makkos - With Commentaries, Brunn 1786. Original binding. [2], 21 pp.
LOT 55: Sefer Sha'ashuah Mitzvah, Livorno 1881. Only Edition. Authored by R. Moshe Eidan of Tunisia (1842-1894). Pages 68-73 contain an additional work on the Torah, entitled "Magen Avot", from the same author. 78 pp.
LOT 56: Machzor Sha'ar Bas Rabbim - A Complete Set, Venice 1716. . A complete set of Machzor Sha'ar Bas Rabbim, Venice 1716. Two parts in four large volumes, bound in fine leather bindings. Machzor Sha'ar Bas Rabbim was highly sought after during the 18th century, and is well known for its outstanding ...
LOT 57: Chumash With Commentary of Ohr Hachaim – Sefer Devarim, Slavita 1817. Magnificent Copy Printed on Blue Paper. The first Ohr Hachaim Chumash printed in Slavuta bearing the name of R. Moshe Shapiro. Slavuta 1817. A fresh copy, printed on blue paper. Bound in a worn (original?) binding. ...
LOT 58: Priceless Treasure! Set of Slavita Machzorim - Shmuel Avraham Shapiro Press, Slavita 1832. . An original set of Machzorim printed in Slavita by R. Shmuel Avraham Shapiro, son of R. Moshe Shapiro. Slavuta, 1832. Volume one is the Machzor for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, and volume two is the ...
LOT 59: Sefer Magen Avos - Commentary of The Tashbetz on Pirkei Avos, Leipzig 1855. Second edition. It first appeared in print in Livorno, 1763. 95, [1] pp.
LOT 61: A Rare, original set of lino-type plates printed on art paper, featuring artifacts of Jewish culture and everyday life, such as old tombstones and Torah shields from various European Shtetls. Plates 11 and 15 feature headstones from the town of Zhitomir. Altogether 25 different plates. Plate ...
LOT 64: Sefer Bas Yiftach Hagiladi, Vilna 1848. The story of Yiftach and his daughter Chana, as recounted in Sefer Shoftim. Printed in Ivrei-Teitch. Scarce. 14 pp.
LOT 66: Kuntres Machshirei Milah, Livorno 1793. With Prayer in Manuscript. . Kuntres Machshirei Milah, Livorno 1793. With a handwritten Kabbalistic prayer on the front and rear endpapers. Worming, sometimes affecting text. 78, [1] pp.
LOT 67: Sefer Kaneh Binah - An Early Kabbalistic Work, Wilhermsdorf 1730. This work deals with Kabbalistic intentions used during the recital of the Shem and other Mitzvos. A relatively early Kabbalistic work to be printed in Germany. On pp. 17 is a special prayer to be recited daily, as a merit ...
LOT 68: Sefer Karnayim With Commentary of R. Shamshon of Astropoli, Lemberg 1850. This copy does not indicate the place of printing on title page, however it was printed in Lemberg as seen in other variant copies. In excellent condition. Printed on green-tinted paper. 30, 7 pp. (mispaginated).
LOT 69: Sefer Sivuv R. Pesachya - Bound With Masa'os R. Binyamin, Lemberg 1859. . Sefer Sivuv R. Pesachya, Lemberg 1859. Also bound with Sefer Masa'os R. Binyamin, which was printed the same year. Also includes other works, such as Midrash Yonah and the letter of R. Shamshon of Astropoli. With ...
LOT 70: Sefer Taryag Mitzvos, Vilna 1840. Only Edition. A scarce work which contains the 613 commandments arranged according to their sources, as found in Rambam's Mishneh Torah. Authored by R. Asher Enzel Bashes of Slonim. 24 (52) pp.
LOT 71: Sefer Mivchar HaMa'amarim - Iggeres HaShabbos, Livorno 1840. . Sefer Mivchar HaMa'amarim, Livorno 1840. With Iggeres HaShabbos, written by R. Avraham Ibn Ezra. In excellent, like-new condition. [2], 66 pp.
LOT 73: Rare: Commentary of The Ramban on Shir Hashirim, Altona 1764. First Edition!. The rare first edition of the Ramban's commentary to Shir Hashirim, Altona 1764. Originates from an ancient manuscript found in a private Berlin library. With the scarce approbation of R. Yonasan Eibescutz. In ...
LOT 75: Segulah Book: Sefer Derech Yeshara - Segulos and Refuos, Livorno 1788. . Sefer Derech Yeshara, Livorno 1788. A fascinating work authored by R. Reuven b. Avraham of Jerusalem. Printed with the approbations of leading Jerusalem Rabbis, as well as R. David Pardo, author of the Chasdei David ...
LOT 76: Rare Hebrew Classic: Sefer Abudarham, Constantinople 1513. . Sefer Abudarham, Constantinople 1513. Rare second edition of the classic commentary of the Abudarham. The first edition is an incunable, and was printed in Lisbon, 1489. The present copy is the first post-incunabula edition. Complete ...
LOT 77: Peirush HaTorah - Ibn Ezra, Constantinople 1514. Post-incunable edition. A highly important edition of one of the foremost commentators on the Torah. In good condition, with occasional minor worming, not affecting text. Incomplete copy. Pages 1-18, 80, 86-87 provided in expert facsimile. ...
LOT 78: A Letter from R. Isser Zalman Meltzer and R. Zalman Sorotzkin - Va’ad HaYeshivos, Jerusalem 1952. An interesting letter — signed by R. Isser Zalman Meltzer and R. Zalman Sorotzkin, regarding the situation of Yeshivos in Eretz Yisroel. The letter is written to the “Va’ad HaPoel - Agudas ...
LOT 79: Handwritten Letter by R. Yechezkel Abramsky, London 1934. . Well wishes for a new year, handwritten by R. Yechezkel Abramsky, London 1934. R. Yechezkel Abramsky (1886-1976), one of the leading Torah figures of the previous generation. In his youth he studied for a short time under R. Chaim ...
LOT 80: Letter from the Roshei Yeshiva of Telshe, Cleveland 1943. . Typed letter signed by the Roshei Yeshiva of Telshe - Cleveland, R. Elya Meir Bloch and R. Mottel Katz. Dated 24 Tammuz 1943, a mere two years after the founding of the Yeshiva on American shores. [1] leaf on official stationery. In ...
LOT 83: Seder Olam Rabbah V'Zutah, Venice 1545. . A complete copy of Seder Olam - Seder Olam Rabbah, with Seder Olam Zutah, Megillas Taanis and Sefer Kabbalah by R. Avraham b. David, the Ravaad. Venice 1545. Contains four works printed as one, as follows: Seder Olam Rabba - An important historical ...
LOT 84: Sefer Ma'amatz Koach - R. Moshe Almoshnino, Venice 1588. Copy of R. Eliezer Silver of Cincinnati. Contains twenty-eight Derashos and Eulogies given at periods. The first sermon published within was given in 1565, while on a special mission to Constantinople on behalf of the Jewish Community of ...
LOT 85: Sefer Mizmor L'Todah, Prague 1610. . Sefer Mizmor L'Todah, Prague 1610. Commentary on Tehillim authored by R. Shmuel Aripol, as a sign of thanks to G-d after recovering from illness. First published in Venice, 1576. Tears and old repairs to first several leaves; occasional worming. Ancient ...
LOT 86: Sefer Hachinuch, Venice 1600. Marginal Glosses . Sefer Hachinuch, Venice 1600. Second edition, edited by R. Yehuda Aryeh of Modena. Marginal glosses are seen on pp. 31, 36. In fair condition. Some minor worming and occasional tears. Title laid down for support. Bound in a leather binding. 228 pp.
LOT 87: Sefer Bedek Habayis, Venice 1606. Sefer Bedek Habayis – the classic work of Maran R. Yosef Karo, author of Beis Yosef. Venice 1606. This work contains supplements and corrections to Beis Yosef, and was first printed in Salonica just several months earlier, in 1605. Like most copies, this copy ...
LOT 88: Sefer Tanah Divei Eliyahu, Venice 1598. First Edition. . Classic: Sefer Tanah Divei Eliyahu, Venice 1598. First Edition. A complete copy of the first printed edition of Tannah DeVai Eliyahu, a compilation of Aggadic Midrashim attributed to Eliyahu HaNavi. 69 pp.
LOT 89: Sefer Pirkei R. Eliezer, Venice 1544. Copy of R. Nosson Coronel. . Sefer Pirkei R. Eliezer, Venice 1544. Copy of R. Nosson Coronel, with his signature on title page. R. Nosson Coronel (1810-1890), a renowned Jerusalem Torah scholar. He was born in Amsterdam to his father R. David Coronel, and ...
LOT 90: Sefer Ohel Moed, Venice 1548. Authored by R. Shlomo of Orbino. This work aims to define the meaning of Hebrew words and their roots as found is the Torah and Nevi'im. Previous ownership inscriptions seen on title page. Minor old repairs to title page, as well as the first 6 leaves. [2], 118 pp.
LOT 91: Sefer Chochmas Shlomo - MaHarshal, Krakow 1582. First Edition. A Partial Copy. . Sefer Chochmas Shlomo - MaHarshal, Krakow 1582. First Edition. A Partial Copy. As is well known, this edition was printed in several parts and was not originally printed as one large volume. As such, the only ...
LOT 92: Sefer Mivchar HaPeninim - Bomberg Edition, Venice 1546. . Sefer Mivchar HaPeninim, Venice 1546.The second edition of the classic work of R. Shlomo Ibn Gabirol. The first edition is an incunable (Soncino 1484). In good condition. Many ownership inscriptions - some likely from the period of the ...
LOT 93: Talmud Bavli Masechta Chagigah - Small Format, Amsterdam 1760. Includes commentaries of the Maharsha, Rambam and Piskei Tosafos. Interestingly, the commentary of the Maharsha is printed on at the bottom of each Daf, unlike most editions where it was printed at the back. Printed by the famed ...
LOT 94: Chidushei Harashba on Kiddushin, Constantinople 1717. . Chidushei Harashba on Kiddushin, Constantinople 1717. Previous ownership inscriptions. In good condition, bound in original binding. [2], 88 pp.
LOT 95: Masechta Shekalim - Small Format, Amsterdam 1727. Masechta Shekalim - printed in a small format measuring only 19cm. Amsterdam 1727. Bound in original wooden and vellum binding. 49 pp.
LOT 96: Sefer Halichos Olam - Mavo Hagemarah, Amsterdam 1754. . Sefer Halichos Olam - Mavo Hagemarah, Amsterdam 1754. This edition was edited and prepared for print by R. David Meldola, who added his own work entitled "Hanhagas Hatalmidim", printed here for the first time. With the approbation of R. ...
LOT 97: Biurim on Rashi, Venice 1593. Attributed to the Kabbalist R. Nosson Shapiro. . Commentary on Rashi, attributed to the Kabbalist R. Nosson Shapiro of Horodna. It was later revealed by the author's son R. Yitzchak (see introduction to Imrei Shefer, Krakow 1597), that this work was not actually ...
LOT 100: Rare: Chidushei Halachos - Maharam Schiff, Hamburg 1736. Two Parts In One. First Edition. . First edition of the one of the fundamental commentaries on the Talmud: Chidushei Maharam Schiff, which is widely studied till this very day. This copy is complete with part II, as published, with a ...
LOT 101: Sefer Lashon Zahav, Offenbach 1822. . Sefer Lashon Zahav was authored by R. Tevele Schiff (d. 1791) of London. He served as Chief Rabbi of Great Britain and the Rabbi of the Great Synagogue of London from 1765 until his death in 1791. R. Schiff was a disciple of R. Jacob Joshua Falk, author of ...
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